
Great Day @ the DNC

So I won't go on too much of a rant at all, but WOW...amazing day at the DNC today.
Now that I've relocated I'm living the unemployed life. Yall should have seen me today. Laptop open on the coffee table with the live stream of the convention running. Me on the couch, remote in hand switching between MSNBC, CNN & TVOne. With most of the channels speaking over the bulk of the speeches (until later) I was alternating mute buttons on my computer and the remote, catching all that I could.

From the roll call to Obama's surprise appearance at the end of Joe "No Hair, Don't Care" Biden's speech, it was an amazing, inspiring day.

  • Harry Reid gave a great speech focused on our energy crisis.
  • Evan Bayh held it down, basically making room for himself to be in the 2016 talks.
  • Tom Daschle is my dude. Would have been a dope speech if he wasn't just so damn nice, lol.
  • ILL BILL CLINTON KNOCKED IT OUT THE PARK. PERIOD. As much as he and Hillary annoyed me during the primary, I must say that as a team they did what they needed to do during the DNC. I hope their support and "do the right thing" mentality carries forth over the next 75 days and into Obama's presidency.
  • John Kerry gave the speech of his lifetime. I hate that CNN didn't pick it up until halfway through but I was watching the live stream so I caught it from the beginning. Great attacks on McCain and the Bush adminstration.
  • Bill Richardson...I must have missed him somehow, I'll go back and watch tomorrow.
  • Beau Biden gave a moving introduction to his father, Joe Biden. He is VP material - one of the hardest working and most likeable politicans I've ever seen. Watch his speech. Watch his son's intro! Joe Biden is that dude.
Tomorrow is the main event. I'll be cooking dinner early, popping some popcorn, cracking open a Bud Light and watching history.

Go HERE for a live stream of the convention and to see all of the speeches over the past few days. Tonight's speeches aren't all up yet but I'm sure they will be by the morning. In the meantime, you can catch most of the coverage on Cnn.com, Msnbc.com, YouTube, or some combination of the three.


Obama '08. Vote.

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